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Self Care After Emotional Shock

coping skills heartbreak mindfulness self compassion self-care trauma response Jul 31, 2023

Embracing Self-Care After an Emotional Shock

Life can be a bit of a rollercoaster, with moments of joy, laughter, and love, but it is also marked by times of adversity, struggle, sadness, and sometimes emotional shock. Whether it's the loss of a loved one, the end of a relationship, a significant failure, or any other unexpected event that shakes us to our core, emotional shocks can leave lasting scars. In the midst of turmoil, self-care plays a pivotal role in reducing the long term impact.

Acknowledge and Allow Your Emotions: After an emotional shock, it's crucial to recognize and honor your emotions. Give yourself the space and permission to feel the pain, sadness, anger, or any other emotions that surface. Avoiding or suppressing these feelings can prolong the healing process. Instead, practice self-compassion and understand that it's okay to feel vulnerable during this time. Remember that it is also ok to maintain your own privacy if necessary and compartmentalise at times if you need to, to be able to work, parent or otherwise function. As long as you aren't bottling up your feelings ALL the time.

Create a Safe Haven: In the aftermath of an emotional shock, finding a safe space where you can retreat and reflect is essential. Whether it's a cozy corner in your home, a serene park or stretch of beach, or just a journal to pour your thoughts into, having a designated space to process your emotions can be immensely beneficial. This is a place where you can be unapologetically you without judgment or external pressures.

Prioritize Physical Well-Being: Emotional shocks can take a toll on our physical health as well. It's crucial to remember the mind-body connection and nurture your physical well-being. And its common to lose your appetite or struggle to sleep. Focus on routine and maintaining a balanced diet, getting regular exercise, and ensuring you get enough rest. If you tick nothing else off your list each day, eat, exercise and rest if you can. And drink water. Engaging in activities like yoga or meditation can also be a big help to calm the mind and reduce stress.

Reach Out for Support: During challenging times, the support of loved ones can be a lifeline. Don't hesitate to lean on friends, family, or counselors/ mental health professionals for support. Opening up and sharing your feelings with someone you trust (make sure its someone trustworthy and emotionally intelligent!) can provide comfort and perspective. Remember, it's not a sign of weakness to seek help; it's an act of strength and courage.

Engage in Nourishing Activities: Engaging in activities that are soothing can act as a balm for your wounded soul. Whether it's pursuing a creative hobby, spending time in nature, reading a good book, or simply practicing mindfulness, these activities can help shift your focus and promote healing.

Set Boundaries and Take It Slow: During the healing process, it's essential to set boundaries and take things at your own pace. Avoid overwhelming yourself with too many commitments or responsibilities. Its ok if you want to spend extra time at home, or even in bed. Give yourself permission to say no and prioritize self-care above all else.


Experiencing an emotional shock can be an incredibly challenging phase of life, but it's crucial to remember that healing is possible. By embracing self-care, we can begin the journey of rebuilding ourselves and finding renewed strength and resilience. Nurture your emotional well-being, seek support when needed, and remember that healing is a gradual process.

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