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Processing Traumatic Memories

cbt eft emdr memory ptsd somatic tapping trauma triggers Aug 13, 2023

A lot of my work focusses on trauma reprocessing. But what does that mean?  

Traumatic experiences can leave deep emotional wounds that persist long after the events have passed. The burden of unresolved trauma can affect every aspect of a person's life, from their daily function, concentration and motivatione sleep, appetite, career and relationships . One crucial step in the journey of healing from trauma is the processing and integration of traumatic memories.

Understanding Traumatic Memories:

Traumatic memories are unique in the way they are stored in the brain. Unlike ordinary memories, traumatic memories can be fragmented, disjointed, and overwhelming. The emotions attached to these memories can be intense, leading to feelings of fear, anxiety, and helplessness. These memories often resurface involuntarily, sometimes triggering distressing reactions, such as flashbacks, dissociation or flooding.

The Impact of Unprocessed Traumatic Memories:

When traumatic memories remain unprocessed and unintegrated, they can continue to haunt an individual, affecting their mental and physical health. Avoidance of triggers and reminders becomes a coping mechanism, but it can also lead to isolation and a limited quality of life. Unprocessed trauma may also manifest in symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety disorders, and other mental health issues.

The Role of Processing Traumatic Memories:

Processing traumatic memories is a crucial part of the recovery process for trauma survivors. It involves focussing on memories peripheral to the traumatic memory (things that have triggered them, or reminded them) or the memory itself (if someone is at a point where they are able to manage their physical and psychological reactions to the memory), as well as the emotions and sensations associated with the traumatic event, whilst using strategies to maintain awareness and self regulation with the support of a therapist in a safe and supportive environment. Through this process, individuals can gain a new perspective on the events and reduce the emotional charge attached to the memories.

Therapeutic Approaches to Memory Processing:

Various therapeutic approaches can facilitate the processing of traumatic memories. One commonly used method is Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). EMDR involves guided eye movements or other forms of bilateral stimulation whilst focussing on specific aspects of the memory (including one moment within the event, the negative thoughts about the event, the emotion and the body sensations that arise when the memory is activated). This gets different parts of the brain working that are normally a bit shut down when a trauma response has been activated, and helps the brain finally do what it needs to do to reprocess traumatic memories , resulting in the individual gaining insight and understanding when thinking about the experience rather than being flooded with fight/flight/freeze.

In the same way, EFT tapping also uses bilateral stimulation while focussing on the specific aspects of a memory (including one moment within the event, the negative thoughts about the event, the emotion and the body sensations that arise when the memory is activated), helping the brain function more effectively whilst the traumatic memory (or a peripheral memory) is activated, and allowing the brain to change its reactive pattern to the memory. The additional benefit of EFT is that you can learn to do this for yourself.

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is another approach in which individuals learn to identify and challenge negative thought patterns related to the traumatic event, promoting healthier ways of responding to the memories. CBT relies heavily on the person's ability to generate helpful thoughts, which is not always possible during a traumatic reaction as the part of the brain we use for rationalising, the frontal cortex, is a bit "shut down" when thinking about traumatic memories. 

Creating a Safe Space:

Processing traumatic memories can be emotionally intense, so having a safe and supportive therapeutic environment is crucial. A trained mental health professional can guide and assist individuals through this process, ensuring they feel secure and understood throughout their journey. A therapist can also help you imagine a safe place that you can go to in your mind any time you are feeling unsafe.

Deep Relaxation Practices

Learning relaxation skills is essential in progressing through trauma reprocessing. With practice, we can settle our stress responses more and more easily. Meditation or even hypnosis are useful for learning relaxation.

Embracing Post-Traumatic Growth:

While processing traumatic memories can be challenging, it can also open the door to post-traumatic growth. By confronting and integrating these memories, people can cultivate a sense of resilience, self-awareness, and newfound strength. This transformative process empowers survivors to create a narrative of triumph over adversity, rather than being defined by their traumatic experiences. It can also lead to increased compassion for and ability to respond to other's traumas or difficulties .

Self-Compassion and Patience:

Processing traumatic memories takes time, and it is essential to practice self-compassion and patience throughout the journey. Healing is not linear, and it's okay to experience ups and downs along the way. Engaging in self-care practices, such as mindfulness, journaling, and nurturing supportive relationships, can provide additional tools for coping during this process.


Processing and integrating traumatic memories is a vital step in the journey of healing from trauma. By facing the past and making sense of the traumatic experiences, individuals can transform their pain into strength and resilience. Remember, it's never too late to seek support and embark on the path of healing. With the right resources, professional guidance, and self-compassion, its possible to finally let go and be able to live a rich and full life.


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