The Nervous

System Reset

A Deep Relaxation

 Training Program

I Want to Reset

Tired but wired?

  • You feel like your nervous system is in overdrive, making you feel exhausted, but you are still struggling to sleep
  • You're going into fight/flight/freeze frequently and struggling to reset back to feeling calm & in control
  • It's hard to concentrate, stay organised and move forward with the things you want to do in your life
  • You feel like you are burnt out, or that past trauma is holding you back.

Your body needs to re-learn how to rest. 

Stressed young woman needing to learn how to relax

From stressed-out..

learn how to go from stressed-out...

to feeling calm.  

to blissed-out.

Hi! I'm Jill Hely. I'm a psychologist on a mission to help people break free from chronic stress and move toward a life full they enjoy living. Watch this video to learn more about the use of deep relaxation meditation as a part of my approach! 



It’s Time To Re-learn To Relax


With The Nervous System Reset, designed to help retrain your ability to switch out of fight/flight/freeze and enter into a deeply restful state.  

I Want to Reset

The Nervous

System Reset

This program is designed to help you access a state of deep relaxation, and re-train your body and mind to be able to relax deeply.  Useful for chronic stress, as well as signs of burnout or exhaustion.

Supporting you to increase your capacity and resilience, and find a sense of inner calm, safety and connection, no matter what you have going on.  

I Want to Reset

This course is right for you if:  

You are finding it hard to switch off, sleep well, & feel connected and motivated in your life, and you know you need to find a way of slowing down & chilling out, but are struggling to commit the time & energy it takes to work on your own wellbeing.

If this is you, The Nervous System Reset has been created to help you learn how to calm your body and mind, get out of fight/ flight/ freeze, & re-learn how to rest deeply, so that you are able to increase your chances of repairing mental, physical and emotional changes from chronic stress. 

It's designed to help you to move towards increased peace and joy in daily life, with minimal effort (literally just pop your earphones in and get comfy for about 20 minutes at the end of your day).  

Person lying in Savasana relaxing and meditating skills self care

Jill is a Psychologist & registered Meditation Teacher with The Meditation Association of Australia. She is trained in meditation-based therapies including Dialectical Behaviour Therapy, Acceptance & Commitment Therapy, & Compassion Focussed Therapy. In addition to her qualifications as a Psychologist, Jill has completed her 110 Hour Meditation Teacher Qualification with the Biomedical Institute of Yoga & Meditation, specialising in Yoga Nidra.  

What does the course involve? 

Join the Nervous System Reset for:


  • Four weekly lessons in the science and practice of Deep Relaxation Meditation
  • A series of meditations to scaffold your relaxation skills
  • Commence learning and practicing immediately 
  • Download and keep the meditations as a resource forever
  • Accessible online or via the app
  • Integrate strategies into your daily life by accessing at home
I Want to Reset